PedalPi - PluginsManager - Observers

An observer is a class that receives notifications of changes in model classes (Bank, Pedalboard, Effect, Param …).


Some useful UpdatesObserver classes have been implemented. They are:

  • Autosaver: Allows save the changes automatically in json data files.
  • ModHost: Allows use mod-host, a LV2 host for Jack controllable via socket or command line


For use a observer, it’s necessary register it in BanksManager:

>>> saver = Autosaver()  # Autosaver is a UpdatesObserver
>>> banks_manager = BanksManager()
>>> banks_manager.register(saver)

For access all observers registered, use BanksManager.observers:

>>> saver in banks_manager.observers

For remove a observer:

>>> banks_manager.unregister(saver)

Creating a observer

It is possible to create observers! Some ideas are:

  • Allow the use of other hosts (such as Carla);
  • Automatically persist changes;
  • Automatically update a human-machine interface (such as LEDs and displays that inform the state of the effects).

For create a observer, is necessary create a class that extends UpdatesObserver:

class AwesomeObserver(UpdatesObserver):

UpdatesObserver contains a number of methods that must be implemented in the created class. These methods will be called when changes occur:

class AwesomeObserver(UpdatesObserver):

    def on_bank_updated(self, bank, update_type, index, origin, **kwargs):

    def on_pedalboard_updated(self, pedalboard, update_type, index, origin, **kwargs):

    def on_effect_status_toggled(self, effect, **kwargs):

    def on_effect_updated(self, effect, update_type, index, origin, **kwargs):

    def on_param_value_changed(self, param, **kwargs):

    def on_connection_updated(self, connection, update_type, pedalboard, **kwargs):

Use the update_type attribute to check what type of change occurred:

class AwesomeObserver(UpdatesObserver):
    """Registers all pedalboards that have been deleted"""

    def __init__(self):
        super(AwesomeObserver, self).__init__()
        self.pedalboards_removed = []


    def on_pedalboard_updated(self, pedalboard, update_type, index, origin, **kwargs):
        if update_type == UpdateType.DELETED:



Notification problem

There are cases where it makes no sense for an observer to be notified of a change. Usually this occurs in interfaces for control, where through them actions can be performed (activate an effect when pressing on a footswitch). Control interfaces need to know of changes that occur so that their display mechanisms are updated when some change occurs through another control interface.

Note that it does not make sense for an interface to be notified of the occurrence of any change if it was the one that performed the action.

A classic example would be an interface for control containing footswitch and a led. The footswitch changes the state of an effect and the led indicates whether it is active or not. If another interface to control (a mobile application, for example) changes the state of the effect to off, the led should reverse its state:

class MyControllerObserver(UpdatesObserver):


    def on_effect_status_toggled(self, effect, **kwargs):
        # Using gpiozero

However, in this situation, when the footswitch changes the effect state, it is notified of the change itself. What can lead to inconsistency in the led:

def pressed():

# footswitch is a button
footswitch.when_pressed = pressed

In this example, pressing the button:

  1. pressed() is called;
  2. The effect has its changed state (effect.toggle());
  3. on_effect_status_toggled(self, effect, ** kwargs) is called and the led is changed state (self.led.toggle());
  4. Finally, in pressed() is called led.toggle().

That is, led.toggle() will be called twice instead of one.

Scope solution

Using with keyword, you can indicate which observer is performing the action, allowing the observer not to be notified of the updates that occur in the with scope:

>>> with observer1:
>>>     del manager.banks[0]



The complete example can be obtained from the examples folder of the repository.

Consider an Observer who only prints actions taken on a bank:

class MyAwesomeObserver(UpdatesObserver):

    def __init__(self, message):
        super(MyAwesomeObserver, self).__init__()
        self.message = message

    def on_bank_updated(self, bank, update_type, **kwargs):


We will create two instances of this observer and perform some actions to see how the notification will occur:

>>> observer1 = MyAwesomeObserver("Hi! I am observer1")
>>> observer2 = MyAwesomeObserver("Hi! I am observer2")

>>> manager = BanksManager()
>>> manager.register(observer1)
>>> manager.register(observer1)

When notification occurs outside a with scope, all observers are informed of the change:

>>> bank = Bank('Bank 1')
>>> manager.banks.append(bank)
"Hi! I am observer1"
"Hi! I am observer2"

We’ll now limit the notification by telling you who performed the actions:

>>> with observer1:
>>> with observer1:
...     del manager.banks[0]
"Hi! I am observer2"
>>> with observer2:
...     manager.banks.append(bank)
"Hi! I am observer1"

If there is with inside a with block, the behavior will not change, ie it will not be cumulative

 with observer1:
     with observer2:

Line 2 will result in Hi! I am observer2 and line 4 in Hi! I am observer1

Base API



Enumeration for informs the change type.

See UpdatesObserver for more details


Informs that the change is caused by the creation of an object


Informs that the change is caused by the removal of an object


Informs that the change is caused by the update of an object



The UpdatesObserver is an abstract class definition for treatment of changes in some class model. Your methods are called when occurs any change in Bank, Pedalboard, Effect, etc.

To do this, it is necessary that the UpdatesObserver objects be registered in some manager, so that it reports the changes. An example of a manager is BanksManager.

on_bank_updated(bank, update_type, index, origin, **kwargs)[source]

Called when changes occurs in any Bank

  • bank (Bank) – Bank changed.
  • update_type (UpdateType) – Change type
  • index (int) – Bank index (or old index if update_type == UpdateType.DELETED)
  • origin (BanksManager) – BanksManager that the bank is (or has) contained
  • Bank – Contains the old bank occurs a UpdateType.UPDATED
on_connection_updated(connection, update_type, pedalboard, **kwargs)[source]

Called when changes occurs in any pluginsmanager.model.connection.Connection of Pedalboard (adding, updating or removing connections)

on_effect_status_toggled(effect, **kwargs)[source]

Called when any Effect status is toggled

Parameters:effect (Effect) – Effect when status has been toggled
on_effect_updated(effect, update_type, index, origin, **kwargs)[source]

Called when changes occurs in any Effect

  • effect (Effect) – Effect changed
  • update_type (UpdateType) – Change type
  • index (int) – Effect index (or old index if update_type == UpdateType.DELETED)
  • origin (Pedalboard) – Pedalboard that the effect is (or has) contained
on_param_value_changed(param, **kwargs)[source]

Called when a param value change

Parameters:param (Param) – Param with value changed
on_pedalboard_updated(pedalboard, update_type, index, origin, **kwargs)[source]

Called when changes occurs in any Pedalboard

  • pedalboard (Pedalboard) – Pedalboard changed
  • update_type (UpdateType) – Change type
  • index (int) – Pedalboard index (or old index if update_type == UpdateType.DELETED)
  • origin (Bank) – Bank that the pedalboard is (or has) contained
  • old (Pedalboard) – Contains the old pedalboard when occurs a UpdateType.UPDATED


Detects changes in list.

In append, in remove and in setter, the observer is callable with changes details

Based in


See list.__contains__() method


See list.__delitem__() method

Calls observer, item, index) where item is self[index]


See list.__getitem__() method


See list.__iter__() method


See list.__len__() method


See list.__repr__() method

__setitem__(index, val)[source]

See list.__setitem__() method

Calls observer, item, index) if val != self[index]


See list.__repr__() method


See list.append() method

Calls observer, item, index) where index is item position


See list.index() method

insert(index, x)[source]

See list.insert() method

Calls observer, item, index)

move(item, new_position)[source]

Moves a item list to new position

Calls observer, item, index) and observer, item, index) if val != self[index]

  • item – Item that will be moved to new_position
  • new_position – Item’s new position

See list.pop() method

Remove the item at the given position in the list, and return it. If no index is specified, a.pop() removes and returns the last item in the list.

Parameters:index (int) – element index that will be removed
Returns:item removed

See list.remove() method

Calls observer, item, index) where index is item position

Implementations API

class, auto_save=True)[source]

The UpdatesObserver Autosaver allows save any changes automatically in json data files. Save all plugins changes in json files in a specified path.

It also allows loading of saved files:

>>> system_effect = SystemEffect('system', ('capture_1', 'capture_2'), ('playback_1', 'playback_2'))
>>> autosaver = Autosaver('my/path/data/')
>>> banks_manager = autosaver.load(system_effect)

When loads data with Autosaver, the autosaver has registered in observers of the banks_manager generated:

>>> autosaver in banks_manager.observers

For manual registering in BanksManager uses register():

>>> banks_manager = BanksManager()
>>> autosaver = Autosaver('my/path/data/')
>>> autosaver in banks_manager.observers
>>> banks_manager.register(autosaver)
>>> autosaver in banks_manager.observers

After registered, any changes in Bank, Pedalboard, Effect, Connection or Param which belong to the structure of BanksManager instance are persisted automatically by Autosaver:

>>> banks_manager = BanksManager()
>>> banks_manager.register(autosaver)
>>> my_bank = Bank('My bank')
>>> banks_manager.append(my_bank)
>>> # The bank will be added in banksmanger
>>> # and now is observable (and persisted) by autosaver

It’s possible disables autosaver for saves manually:

>>> autosaver.auto_save = False
>>>  # save() method saves all banks data
  • data_path (string) – Path that banks will be saved (each bank in one file)
  • auto_save (bool) – Auto save any change?

Return a BanksManager instance contains the banks present in data_path

Parameters:system_effect (SystemEffect) – SystemEffect used in pedalboards
Return BanksManager:
 BanksManager with banks persisted in data_path

Save all data from a banks_manager

Parameters:banks_manager (BanksManager) – BanksManager that your banks data will be persisted